Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you and answering any question you might have.

c/Puig-reig 10 I 08006 Barcelona

Phone: +34 931 050 159 I +34 677 248 543


See our Data Protection Policy

Information about data protection. Company Real Healthcare Barcelona SL. Purpose: to attend the query and sending commercial information. Legitimisation: consent. Recipients: your personal data will not be transferred to third parties without your consent, except those service providers with which we have a current service contract or a law that requires such transfer of data. Rights: you can access, rectify or delete the data, as well as exercise the rights that are mentioned in our Data Protection Policy.

446 Carrer de Balmes
Barcelona, CT, 08022

(+34) 677248543


Appointment with English speaking doctor
Appointment with an international physiotherapist.



Um unseren Kunden die beste Behandlung zukommen zu lassen, arbeiten wir nach Vereinbarung. Bei einer kurzfristigen Stornierung werden die Behandlungskosten in voller Höhe in Rechnung gestellt, wenn Sie dies nicht 24 Stunden vorher tun. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.



Die Rezeption ist von 9:00 bis 15:00 Uhr geöffnet